Areas of Practice
Neck Pain
Skillful application of Swedish Strokes, Accupressure, Myofascial Release, and Stretching of appropriate muscles to reduce neck stiffness and pain, and increase mobility, and quality of sleep.
Back pain
An advance manipulation of soft tissues and muscles to mobilize fascia, break down adhesive tissues, reduce muscle knots and trigger points. Restore balance of back muscles. Reduce pain and increase flexibility and improve posture. Improve sleep quality.
Shoulder Pain & Arm Mobility
Manipulation of muscles from general to special, from superficial to deep. Reduce muscles knots; eliminate trigger points and referred pain patterns. Restore your upper extremities to perform your daily activities, and/or your favorite sport activities.
craniosacral therapy
A gentle wellness touch to reduce headaches, reduce TMJ symptoms, improve immunity and sleep quality.
hot stone Soft Tissues Manipulation
Incorporates hot stones into acupressure and connective tissue manipulation. A treatment to melt muscle knots and restore muscle balance. An excellent treatment for those who have very low or no pain threshold.
HanD & Feet Fascial Manipulation
Mobilization and re-alignment of fascia, connective tissues, and muscles of your feet and hands. Reduce carpal tunnel symptoms, increase ankle mobility, improve gait, and general posture.
lymph dranage therapy
A firm and gentle manipulation to improve lymph movement, reduce edema, and improve heart health. An excellent treatment for auto-immune disorders, cancer treatments, surgery, and sprains.